Handling Services (IHS) is a leading worldwide provider of technical
standards, specifications, logistics and parts information. The
company provides a wide selection of subscription-based products
in various formats such as the Internet, CD-ROM, and hardcopy.
IHS products serve the critical information needs of many industries
including government, military, automotive, aviation, electronics
and petrochemical.
1986, Optical Software Tools (now merged with Doclinx) was one
of the very few companies with the capability to provide full-text
search technology on CD-ROM with acceptable performance. Since
then Doclinx has been awarded numerous contracts for IHS applications
and provides on-going application development and support.
of these products presented unique challenges for the following
- The
products required fast full-text search of hundreds of megabytes
of data using 1X CD-ROMs.
- A
complete application needed to be written that had to run under
limited memory available under MS-DOS.
- The
products had to provide parametric search of documents along
with full-text search.
- A
custom rendering and printing system needed to be developed
as the documents were of a complex nature containing equations,
tables and diagrams.
possessed a very fast search engine that was able to perform full-text
as well as parametric searches and could run directly off a CD-ROM
while providing acceptable search performance. Doclinx analyzed
IHS' processes and recommended SGML as a document format and agreed
to develop applications that allowed indexing, rendering and printing
of the input SGML documents.
1986, IHS awarded Doclinx its first contract to develop CD-ROM
based products using the proposed solution.
products developed by Doclinx include very-fast retrieval, advanced
search features, change notifications, and document administration
features. Doclinx has developed the following CD-ROM and Web based
products for IHS that use its full-text search technology.
TDX product is an E-commerce web site for 576,000 standards from
organizations all over the world. This is the first IHS product
that allows true e-commerce of documents. Users can register,
log-on, search for relevant documents, and buy them over the web
using their credit card. The application also supports subscription
users, purchase orders, debit cards and debit accounts.
is a complete, 3-tier Java Servlets based web application with
features like user registration and authorization, full-text and
parametric queries, tracking lists, document selection, document
change notification, shopping carts and checkout facilities. It
integrates with Oracle 8, Microsoft IIS, Solid RDBMS, and the
TaxWare and CyberCash e-commerce back-end severs. Additionally,
it interacts with various internal IHS systems like IDMS, Data
General Accounting, and Session Manager. The application runs
on two load-balanced four CPU Sun Enterprise 450s running
Solaris 5.6 with two hot backup machines.
Wide Standards (WWS)
WWS product is a collection of more than 400,000 standards from
organizations all over the world and is distributed on 260 CD-ROMs.
Each CD-ROM contains an application to browse, searchand view
World Wide Standards documents. It has sophisticated drill-down
search and structured query capabilities. The application also
supports NetWare, DiskPort, and NetworkTree.
Boiler Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Application
ASME BPVC product is a subscription based, segmented text and
image CD-ROM application. This application provides full-text
search of the BPVC documents, precise rendering and printing of
documents that contain inline equations, tables, fonts and diagrams.
Doclinx built and supports two versions of this application, one
for MS-DOS and the other for Microsoft Windows.
Standards Association (CSA) Application
CSA product is a subscription based, segmented text and image
CD-ROM application. This application provides full-text search
of the CSA standards, precise rendering and printing of documents
that contain inline equations, tables, fonts and diagrams. Doclinx
built and supports two versions of this application, one for MS-DOS
and the other for Microsoft Windows.
Doclinx's technologies and application development expertise,
IHS was able to bring state-of-the-art products to market years
ahead of its competition. Many of these products are still in
production today and are some of IHS' best sellers. Doclinx continues
to provide support and ongoing development to IHS for these products.
was also instrumental in helping IHS adopt leading technologies
like SGML and Document Ecommerce.
has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with IHS for over
15 years. During this time, Doclinx has provided many product
development services to IHS such as:
- Requirements
Analysis and Specification Development.
- Data
Analysis and Design.
- Application
Coding and Testing.
- CD
production. IHS sends Doclinx SGML data and Doclinx validates
the data, creates full-text indexes, and send back a CD-ROM
to IHS for replication.
- Maintenance
and Technical support.
- On-going
product enhancements based on IHS requirements.